Custom Yacht Sales & Brokerage
Custom Yacht Sales is the smarter choice. Long standing professionalism, absolute respect and a progressive attitude is what our team is all about. Our reach extends throughout North America, from Ft Lauderdale to New York, San Francisco to Seattle and Victoria to Toronto. You will enjoy our no nonsense approach to business, we are always professional and courteous. As technology continues to broaden the horizons and reach of consumers, so do we continue to expand our information and marketing networks.
- friendly and knowledgeable staff
- import and logistic specialists
- market appraisals
- satisfaction guaranteed
Our team strives to achieve perfection in every facet of a deal and time after time we find ourselves under promising and over delivering. We employ a select group of professionals and technical experts to round off our team. The end result is an exceptional experience, all you have to do is smile and ship the lines..